We all see the commercials for teeth whitening products, their smiles are pristine! But just how effective are the whitening toothpastes we see? Have we considered the potential negatives?
Many people are unaware that whitening toothpastes get their job done by using abrasives. This can cause recession of the gum line or grooves in your exposed roots if you already have receded gums. This can be especially concerning if you are brushing incorrectly! You should be using a soft bristled brush help prevent further damage.
Bleaching could be a potential solution for you. This is where the whitening is a chemical process usually using hydrogen peroxide. Before bleaching, you’d want to consider sensitivity concerns and talk to us about the results and expectations you may have. If whitening is something you are thinking about, talk to us at Maple Family Dentistry today to see what is right for you!