If you have dental problems like chipped, misshapen, discoloured, misaligned or a cracked tooth, a dental veneer may be the best solution for you. It’s a type of dental cosmetic procedure that can help give you the confidence to share your perfect smile.
Dental Veneers are thin pieces of porcelain attached to your teeth to improve their colour and shape. A veneer typically covers the top and front of your teeth, it can last for about 15 years and is stronger than bonding.
When teeth are beginning to wear or start to change colours and show dental flaws, veneers can prevent them from further damage and even restore their overall appearance. Here are a few benefits of having dental veneers:
- Dental Veneers can solve various dental problems such as dental gaps, chipped, misaligned, cracked and discoloured teeth.
- Veneers can last for a long period, and it’s easy to manage and clean. You just have to follow a proper dental hygiene routine.
- Porcelain veneers resist the classic stains caused by smoking and drinking tea or coffee.
- Boost confidence and improve overall appearance.
- Dental veneers provide a natural teeth appearance and are non-invasive compared to dental crowns.
- Veneer treatment will only take two dental visits. The first visit to the dentist will prepare your teeth for the veneers and the second visit will be the veneer application.
If you are unsure if a dental veneer is the best option for you, visit our dentist now and well be happy to help find the best solution to brighten your smile!