Halloween has come and gone, but what’s left over? Piles of candy!!! Whether you have a guilty indulgence or you are worried about your kids, we have a few helpful tips to save your teeth! Many people think that the more candy you eat equals more cavities. We are not advocating overindulging, but when it comes to the development of cavities the volume of candy consumed is not the only factor. Did you know that time plays a big role in developing cavities? To understand how this works, you’ll need to know about the role of acid in your mouth. Your mouth has a “healthy pH level” of acid that keeps it cavity-free. When you consume candy, the sugar sits on your teeth and the bacteria in your mouth now have their own feast! When bacteria eat sugar, they produce acids which change the overall pH balance in your mouth. This change creates a much higher risk of cavities!
The amount of time that acids are in contact with teeth and the pH level has changed will determine how much damage can occur inside your mouth. For example, did you know it is far worse for your child to eat a ring pop than a chocolate bar? It may seem like they are eating more candy, but the length of time the ring pop (candy) is in their mouth (the longer the acidity is changed) which will cause more damage.
Remember if you do decide to indulge in some Halloween treats, to brush your teeth and don’t let that sugar rest on your teeth for long! Just because Halloween is over, doesn’t mean it’s cavity time.